BOOK Being Emily by Anne Donovan ebook finder bookstore amazon free

BOOK Being Emily by Anne Donovan ebook finder bookstore amazon free

BOOK Being Emily by Anne Donovan ebook finder bookstore amazon free

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Book description
I hadnt heard of Being Emily before I borrowed it from the library, but am a fan of Anne Donovans debut novel, Buddha Da. This novel is, in part, about Emily Bronte. It is also a coming-of-age novel, something which I actively seek out in my reading. I had rather high hopes for Being Emily, and was gripped from the outset. The characters which Donovan has crafted are so very realistic, as are the conversations which they have with one another, and the actions which they make. The storyline surprises; I never quite knew where it was heading. I enjoyed Being Emily more than Buddha Da, as there was more realism to it.
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