BOOK Batwing, Vol. 5: Into the Dark by Jimmy Palmiotti selling eReader how download reading read

BOOK Batwing, Vol. 5: Into the Dark by Jimmy Palmiotti selling eReader how download reading read

BOOK Batwing, Vol. 5: Into the Dark by Jimmy Palmiotti selling eReader how download reading read

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Book description

Book description
When Gotham City is invaded by an army of criminals sent from the Gotham Underground, Batwing must defend his home from  them and his most dangerous foe yet: Menace! The Gotham Underground is about to boil over with anarchy, and no matter which tribe rises up from below Gotham City, Batwing will be the first target.  He must travel straight into the madness that is The Gotham Underground to put an end to those behind The Uprising! Will Batman, Incorporated be in the market for a new Batwing? Or is our hero ready to prove himself once and for all?Collects Batwing #27-34 and Batwing: Futures End #1.
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