BOOK Batman: War Games, Act 3: Endgame by Andersen Gabrych ios online portable pc bookstore

BOOK Batman: War Games, Act 3: Endgame by Andersen Gabrych ios online portable pc bookstore

BOOK Batman: War Games, Act 3: Endgame by Andersen Gabrych ios online portable pc bookstore

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Book description
The Batman: War Games series finishes in Act 3: Endgame. It is intense, emotional and suspenseful. The action that is depicted is incredible and the story line is finished in a way that doesnt completely satisfy you, it makes you want more. I really enjoyed reading this series and the conclusion of it makes me sad and yet curious as to what will happen next. I will be highly anticipating the future before reading the sequel, Batman: War Crimes. Overall, just another interesting and wonderful Batman comic that makes you love/hate the main character and his actions (but love always wins).
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