BOOK Ashes and Angel Wings by Greg Stolze eng original free access value

BOOK Ashes and Angel Wings by Greg Stolze eng original free access value

BOOK Ashes and Angel Wings by Greg Stolze eng original free access value

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Book description
After millennia spent in the Pit, Demons have found the walls of Hell cracked and have come back into the world. The years of torment have made them forget most, but not all, of what they once were, and are startled to find that in their re-ascendance in the world that God is strangely absent. They also note that without their former divinity, the Pits gravity will suck them back into the void without human hosts. Humans there are plenty of, and they have no qualms about simply pushing the souls of those who are to weak to resist out of their current bodies.When they do this though, they find out something they never knew about - what its like to be human.This story is about several of the infernal host, running the gamut of demonic experience. There are all sorts of factions and motives behind the malfeasant denizens of hell. Some seek to enslave humanity and retain greatness, others are full of questions (the primary one being why Lucifer never really showed up in Hell), some even want to reconcile with God, provided they can find Him.However, there is one thing they all had in common. They all fell because they thought God gave humans a raw deal and wouldnt do anything about it.Its been a while since I read all of it, and the last book in the trilogy has been dangling (Nicky Khan still gives me shit about this). Ill be reading through the last book soon I hope as a new initiative to start reading the shit on my shelf already before I continue to buy new ones.Many of the details are lost to me on this book, but itll come back to me. I hope. I remember that I liked it though. Its another morality play series. Also, as somewhat of a religious neutral, I always find the arguments for the devil or fallen angels as an interesting point. As mentioned before, demons fell because what they did, they did for love. They honestly wanted to help man, and their creator damned them to hell for their troubles. Makes for an interesting story - is it wrong to question the creator when you think something is wrong or do you play the dutiful son and trust in the fact that hes all knowing? This book tells the story of what happens when you answer that with a difinitive yea or nay.
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