BOOK An Ill-Advised Rescue by Ilona Andrews (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks

BOOK An Ill-Advised Rescue by Ilona Andrews (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks

BOOK An Ill-Advised Rescue by Ilona Andrews (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks

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Re-reading the series with the Ilona Andrews Addicts, before Magic Binds comes out in September 2016. Hadnt planned to re-read all the shorts and novellas as well, but changed my mind. Will try to read parallel to the main series.This is set shortly before Magic Rises and is included in that book. So I must have read it back when I read that first, because I am reading the exact same Kindle ebook. No review. Odd!So, they kidnapped the pervert and Kate comes to the rescue. Nice little story. Snark, fighting, the usual. I could have done with a little less recap.
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