BOOK Always Have, Always Will by N.H. Watkins txt ibooks

BOOK Always Have, Always Will by N.H. Watkins txt ibooks

BOOK Always Have, Always Will by N.H. Watkins txt ibooks

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Book description
Always Have, Always Will A story of love, romance, betrayal, and hockeyLove, hurt, and betrayal...Aiden LeBlanc devoted his life to playing hockey for the Pittsburgh Sentinels. He was hoping for the chance to have his name inscribed on the Stanley Cup for a third time in his career. Life was good, except that he never stopped loving Abby Zolland, who had walked out of his life almost fourteen years ago.Eighth grade teacher, Abby Zolland, had no choice. She had to leave Toronto; the only place for her to go was to Hardy, Tennessee. Aiden LeBlanc had shattered her heart, leaving her only with memories of true love.Will Aiden and Abby be able to find love for a second time, or will the events from the past keep them apart?
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