BOOK Altars of Power and Grace: Create the Life You Desire--Achieve Harmony, Health, Fulfillment and Prosperity with Personal Altars Based on Vastu Shastra by Robin Mastro wiki online full read shop

BOOK Altars of Power and Grace: Create the Life You Desire--Achieve Harmony, Health, Fulfillment and Prosperity with Personal Altars Based on Vastu Shastra by Robin Mastro wiki online full read shop

BOOK Altars of Power and Grace: Create the Life You Desire--Achieve Harmony, Health, Fulfillment and Prosperity with Personal Altars

> READ BOOK > Altars of Power and Grace: Create the Life You Desire--Achieve Harmony, Health, Fulfillment and Prosperity with Personal Altars Based on Vastu Shastra

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Book description

Book description
Nominated for nine National Literary awards and winner of Spirituality Book of the Year (USA Book News) and Self Help Book of the Year (Coalition of Visionary Resources) COVR, Altars of Power and Grace offers a revolutionary approach to creating personal altars. This unique system combines the holistic and creative traditions of Whole Systems Design with the most potent aspects of Vastu Shastra. Vastu, an ancient science from India, was the original teaching on which Feng Shui is based. This enlightening and informative book by renowned Vastu experts, Robin and Michael Mastro, demystifies these principles making them accessible for the Western mindset. Altars created in the home or offices are a beautiful reminder of the sacred in everyday life. With easy and concise instructions, you will learn tools to maximize potential and attract Universal Support. Your altars can feature items or icons from any religious or spiritual practice, and will beautify your surroundings while transforming your life.
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