BOOK Alpha Rogue Volume 2 by Terry Bolryder touch ipad apple reader online

BOOK Alpha Rogue Volume 2 by Terry Bolryder touch ipad apple reader online

BOOK Alpha Rogue Volume 2 by Terry Bolryder touch ipad apple reader online

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Important! Alpha Rogue 2 is the second in the series, please read part 1 here for free or youll be completely lost! All parts will be in KU. Alpha females are super rare in Hawthornes world. So whats an alpha wolf to do when he gets his heart broken and loses his chance to claim a mate, all in one day? For Hawes, with his super strength and love of adrenaline, the answer is to go rogue and join an underground fighting ring where he can beat the bad memories back, one day at a time. Rose isnt worried when she gets assigned to keep an eye on Hawes as part of her undercover mission. At least, she isnt worried until she sees the pretty boy alpha for the first time in all of his muscled, sweaty glory in the ring and hears him run his mouth off after the match. Now, Rose isnt sure she can work with the cocky, irritating Shifter at all. But she might want to try, because her mission in the underground fighting circuit just got more dangerous, and Hawes with his unusual strength may just be the only one who can protect her. Important Note from the author! Alpha Rogue is a 3 part paranormal romance serial with a lot of action. The story is told in novella length episodes with cliffhangers, and is free through Kindle Unlimited. If you arent getting it that way, Ive priced each part low enough that by the time you have purchased all parts, youll only have paid the price of one book (99 cents for each part). I know that this format isnt for everyone, but I love serials and find they keep things exciting for me as a writer. I hope you enjoy if you decide to still read it.
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