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The Bitcoin Crown is introducing BTCC, which is a new cryptocurrency (ERC-20 Token) and smart contract platform that gives game developers, content creators and gaming communities the required cryptobacked value and tools for implementing and managing virtual goods. The Bitcoin Crown platform will have full support for these tokens in the nearest future. Bitcoin Crown will develop a powerful framework of open-source software development kits (SDKs), wallets, game plugins, virtual item management apps and a payment gateway platform.

By using the BTCC Coin, the team will promote a culture of passion, collaboration, and pride by giving its players more control over their game content. Players that feel valued will keep coming back, and increase revenue and engagement for publishers and content makers. The BTCC Coin minted Tokens will create trust and security with minimal transaction fees due to the loss of over 75% of legitimate virtual item purchase which are lost to fraud.

The platform will be a decentralized platform which would be used to manage, distribute, and trade on virtual goods. Giving Gamers and content creators a new model of virtual ownership. BTCC Coin is the first cryptocurrency with an authentic purpose for online gamers. The users can earn and trade virtual goods in the most popular gaming community creation platform online.

The platform can also allow Online gamers to bring or trade their assets from game to game, community to community, growing their digital wallet with real value as they play.

BTCC’s millions of highly engaged users socialize and work together to create unique communities, game content, and virtual economies. By providing the tools they need, BTCC empowers these creators to monetize their content. BTCC is uniquely positioned in the virtual goods market to promote and establish a Cryptocurrency.

The Challenges

BTCC has been facing some challenges like the issues of payment fraud, high fees and slow transactions, lack of true ownership & rarity, No open standards, expensive & time- consuming, lack of value gamificaion, etc.

Expensive & Time-Consuming: Developing a platform for managing virtual goods is time-consuming and costly. The complexity of managing a virtual economy on proprietary infrastructure delays time to market. Security concerns introduce a further set of difficulties.

Lack of True Ownership & Rarity: Virtual items are, in-essence, licensed to the gamer and are often only available for use on their proprietary platforms. At times they can be manipulated, lost, or taken back with little recourse for the user. Genuine transparency is missing.

Lack Of Value Gamification: Value based gamification features are lacking in content management systems and forum software. The users do not get rewarded in the real world value for participation or contribution.

Payment Fraud: It is estimated that for every legitimate virtual purchase made, there are 75% virtual items lost to fraud, therefore assets stored and managed online can be open to manipulation or chargebacks. Merchants have to deal with extra burdens, and scammers damage the game’s reputation.

Locked in and Centralized: The digital items and currencies are usually locked to a single game and they are not transferable. Trading items outside of the game environment is cumbersome and difficult. If a player gets banned, they can lose all of their items and currency.

High Fees and Slow Transactions: The Game publishers and communities usually rely on the third-party platforms to process virtual goods transactions. Gamers encounter slowness, opaque fund flow, and high transaction fees.

No open standards: Currently, there are no widely-accepted standards for decentralized currencies and assets in games. The user experience is often an afterthought, so the users don’t even know what to expect.

Solutions: BTCC will develop tools that will enable game publishers, game servers, and communities to manage virtual goods and in-game items across multiple platforms. Monetization using BTCC Coin will be a key focus with robust features and toolsets provided. Great benefits will be gained by utilizing a decentralized platform and the supporting frameworks.

Benefits for Communities

Ø Increase user participation and contribution on forums and walls.

Ø Automate rewards and setup a variety of condition based triggers.

Ø Gamify your website and mobile community with custom BTCC Coins

Ø Tie-in your community rewards with in-game goods on servers or games.

Benefits for Game Publishers / Content Creators

Ø Create new tokens to represent virtual currencies, game items, or privileges.

Ø Create and manage virtual goods programmatically or via an app.

Ø Create time limited or subscription based virtual goods.

Ø Mint non-fungible items or special edition items.

Ø Transparent transactions. Setup reports and commission systems.

Ø Smart wallets that facilitate easy automatic payments from users.

Ø Setup a virtual goods store.

Ø Run a decentralized payment gateway with no middle-man.

Ø Easily setup a site and mobile community with full virtual goods integration.

Ø No fraud, chargebacks, or cancellations.

Ø Minimal fees for blockchain transactions and no commission fees.

Ø Open-source suite of APIs and SDKs for every popular platform and engine.

Benefits For Gamers

Ø Trade between gaming items from different games using Bancor for liquidity.

Ø Take your currency with you across any community or game and retain value.

Ø Use BTCC’s marketplace and social network to find and trade game items.

Ø Buy & sell items with no risk of fraud.

Ø Earn BTCC coins playing games.

Ø Convert custom virtual goods directly back to BTCC Coins and retain value.

Ø Prove ownership of items by showing them off in website widgets.

Ø Earn coins by participating in communities and posting on forums.

Ø Own valuable currency and rare items that can never be taken away.

Ø Buy in-game items on thousands of game servers and games that support BTCC.


Recently, the release of the BTCC Mobile App, which features communities, forums, wall feeds, messaging, notification, rich content creation, and friends management, the platform (BTCC) is growing rapidly in the mobile app sector. Over 2.2 billion gamers across the world are expected to generate $108.9 billion in game revenues in the year 2017. Mobile is the most lucrative segment, claiming 42% of the market. In 2020, the mobile gaming will represent just more than half of the total games market.

The BTCC’s team has proven capabilities and experience in software engineering, marketing, blockchain technologies, and business operations.

Virtual Goods Market

It is estimated that, the overall value of the Global Social Gaming market by 2019, is to reach $17.4BN dollars. The Virtual goods, advertisements, and lead generation offers are the main revenue generation sources of the global social gaming market. Among these, the virtual goods segment is likely to expand the fastest at a compound annual growth rate of 15.20% over the forecast period.

The Mobile Game Market: With the recent release of the BTCC Mobile App, featuring communities, forums, wall feeds, messaging, notification, rich content creation, and friends management, BTCC is growing rapidly in the mobile app sector. 2.2 billion gamers across the globe are expected to generate US$108.9 billion in game revenues in 2017. Mobile is the most lucrative segment, claiming 42% of the market. In 2020, mobile gaming will represent just more than half of the total games market.

Coins to Community Owners: 6 months following the BTCC Coin Crowdsale and the deployment of the wallet and core BTCC features, the coins will slowly be released to approximately 30,000 verified gaming communities on BTCC. The amount of coins each community receives will be calculated based on their previous store volume sales, member count, audience visits and various website activity metrics.

Adoption Bounty Program: An Early Adoption Bounty program will be put in place for any game, server, or community that begins utilization of the BTCC coin with a verified history of monetizing game content. The BTCC will be partnering with game developers and popular game servers of 20,000 players or higher to distribute BTCC Coins as part of bundles, in-game tournament prizes or subscription bonuses.


The BTCC team has proven capabilities and experience in software engineering, marketing, blockchain technologies, and business operations. The BTCC team also have a reputation in the industry, and a long work history together.

Technical Considerations

Today’s gamers and website users demand fast and snappy user interfaces. The Ethereum network is currently limited in throughput because it has an average block time of 17 seconds which is (potentially up to 30 seconds). There are future updates to Ethereum which aims to improve the block times to 3 seconds18 (Casper) and allow transfers within milliseconds19 (Raiden).

Both of these updates are planned for late 2017 to early 2018. As the standard block times may impose some delays, the team will achieve a modern responsive experience by using off-chain notifications.

Trusted Platforms will send an instant notification to the user’s Smart Wallet for each Transaction request. Whenever the transaction will be accepted by the user and created on the blockchain, the wallet will call the Trusted Platform API with the transaction to watch. The game or website can then be updated immediately with a placeholder item or non-tradeable version of the asset until enough confirmations are reached to allow full ownership of the item. In the case of in-game currencies, the user’s balance would immediately update in the game but any unconfirmed portions would be locked from spending until the appropriate numbers of confirmations are reached on the blockchain.

The BTCC Coin SDK will display confirmed and unconfirmed balances when listing BTCC and custom assets, to make implementation easy and clear. After Raiden and Casper updates are deployed on the Ethereum Network, these safeguard measures will eventually become imperceptible. BTCC will be testing the Raiden Network for lightning-fast asset confirmation speeds as soon as the Developer and minimum viable product (MVP) releases are completed, later this year.

Public API: BTCC will host a public Platform API using the JSON-RPC protocol with methods for checkingaccount balances and accessing each of the above smart contracts. This will allow websites to display data to internet users without requiring a web wallet extension installed in the web browser.

Create & Manage Virtual Goods: Games and communities can mint unique in game items, currencies, and privilege tokens using the BTCC Coins as the parent currency. These assets can be converted back into BTCC Coins by anyone holding them, at the original exchange rate which they were minted.

The Minting Custom Coins

Web, Mobile App and API-based user interfaces to the Mint smart contract will be developed to make asset creation and management a simple process. The following parameters define a new custom asset:

● Name

● Icon

● Maximum Supply

● Decimal Places

● Exchange Rate

● Access List

● Data

Once created, a Mint smart contract will be cloned and registered in the singleton Registry smart contract, which will allow custom assets to be recognized by all Smart Wallets. The custom asset may now be minted by anyone in the Access List by sending BTCC Coins to the new Mint smart contract. The Name, Icon and Access List properties may be updated at any time by the Mint contract owner.

Exchanging Coins: The Mint contract stores all BTCC coins used to mint each unit of a Custom Coin. BTCC wallets provide an interface to exchange Custom Coins back to BTCC Coins that are contained in the Mint contract. This provides liquidity and the option of backing custom assets with a known BTCC value. Economically, any custom assets created with BTCC will decrease the number of BTC in circulation, preserving and increasing the value of the BTCC ecosystem over the long term. Custom Coins that gain their own intrinsic value inside the gaming ecosystem will be held and traded further by the community, while others could be traded back to regain their original BTCC Coin value — giving all users easy liquidity.

Custom Coins as game items: The same mechanism for minting Custom Coins may be used to represent unique game items. In this scenario, BTCC coins would be used to mint one or more Custom Coins representing a game item that has value tied to it.

The BTCC Smart Wallet

A key component in making everything easy to use is the BTCC Wallet. Building on existing light wallet design, the BTCC Wallet streamlines the user experience further by integrating with games and websites that the user trusts. User accounts on each trusted platform will be synced to the user’s Ethereum address. It is called “Smart” wallet because of the multiple pieces of functionality that work together to simplify the user experience.

A user can send BTCC coins to another user on a trusted platform by looking up their username and the wallet will find matching contacts and their associated account address.


The BTCC Wallet will also exist as a Mobile (iOS/Android) application and implement the same features mentioned above. Many users will prefer to accept transactions on their phone while playing a game on their own PC. The mobile wallet can be set-up quickly by scanning a QR code that contains settings.

The mobile app is designed in such a way as to receive Push

notifications from BTCC and any trusted platforms. If a transaction request is pushed, the mobile wallet will verify funds exist and ask the user to Accept or Deny the coin transaction. This will allow players in-game to easily send coin transactions by using their phone as the authentication device.

Tokens & Smart Contracts

The BTCC Coin and virtual asstes as ERC20 tokens will be deployed on the Ethereum network.

Ethereum is the most popular and widely supported smart contract blockchain, with a huge development community and robust language support. A collection of smart contracts will provide core functionality on the blockchain. These smart contracts will include: The Mint, Payment Gateway Contract, Smart Wallet Contract, subscription Contract, Custom Coin Registry and Top List Contracts.

The Token Sale


Only 70 Million BTCC tokens will ever be created. Among them 20 Million will be send as bonus tokens. The BTCC tokens are intended to be allocated as follows:

60% (30,000,000) to be sold by BTCC to Crowdsale purchasers minus any bonuses applied in the Crowdsale Period.

20% (10,000,000) reserved by the Company to incentivize community, beta testers, marketing and strategic partners.

20% (10,000,000) to be distributed by the Company to the BTCC Coin Team and Advisors.









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