BETTER an inkling hope: select poems by Erin A. Thomas android download writer german pocket

BETTER an inkling hope: select poems by Erin A. Thomas android download writer german pocket

BETTER an inkling hope: select poems by Erin A. Thomas android download writer german pocket

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Book description

Book description
an inkling hope is an engaging collection of poems inspired by everything from stargazing and backpacking to contemplations existential and interpersonal. Rich in imagery, imagination and metaphor, these poems punctuate defining moments from a 12-year exploration of language, perception and life. Scattered throughout these pages are the markers and milestones of a long, emotional journey, expressed in ways sometimes abstract, sometimes symbolic, sometimes concrete-but always visual. Not merely emotional, but spiritual-in the animistic sense-for Erin sees all things as possessed of spirit, be it insect or mammal, rock or tree, ocean or wave, city or plain, planet or star, even emotions and principles themselves. These poems vary in mood, tone, voice and form, but this underlying spiritual perspective-this animism-is woven amongst them all.
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