BETTER Zeros Familiar Omnibus 1-3 by Noboru Yamaguchi buy amazon bookstore download epub

BETTER Zeros Familiar Omnibus 1-3 by Noboru Yamaguchi buy amazon bookstore download epub

BETTER Zeros Familiar Omnibus 1-3 by Noboru Yamaguchi buy amazon bookstore download epub

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Book description
496-page manga omnibus based on the hit anime about a klutzy witch and the teenage boy who serves herIn a world where sorcery reigns supreme, bumbling witch-in-training Louise Francoise le Blanc de La Valliere is known by her classmates at the Tristain Academy of Magic as Louise the Zero. During an important coming-of-age ritual, when each student must summon a lifelong familiar, Louise proves herself klutz when she mistakenly conjures a teenage boy from Earth. Now, whether they like it or not, Louise and her unwilling servant, Saito, are bound to each other by the laws of magic for all eternity!
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