BETTER Your brain on porn by Luke Gilkerson francais format tablet torrent book

BETTER Your brain on porn by Luke Gilkerson francais format tablet torrent book

BETTER Your brain on porn by Luke Gilkerson francais format tablet torrent book

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Book description
Sex is highly glorified in our culture. Between risqué ads and promiscuous characters, the average American will see 15,000 sexual references a year on television alone. Many shows will even glorify pornography, whether by featuring porn stars in guest roles or by actually creating shows about the industry.With these legitimatizing attitudes from TV, it’s very easy to fall into the logical trap that porn is no big deal. After all, everyone watches it, right?Download this free e-book, Your Brain on Porn, to learn the 5 proven ways pornography warps your brain, including how porn: •decreases sexual satisfaction •lowers one’s view of women •desensitizes the viewer to crueltyYou’ll also learn how the gospel, obedience to God’s Word, and quality fellowship renews your mind and moves you toward freedom from porn and sex addiction.
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