BETTER X/1999, Volume 16: Nocturne by CLAMP english book look reading eReader

BETTER X/1999, Volume 16: Nocturne by CLAMP english book look reading eReader

BETTER X/1999, Volume 16: Nocturne by CLAMP english book look reading eReader

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Book description
Kamui Shiro is a young man who was born with the power to decide the fate of the Earth itself--a destiny he can barely bring himself to believe. But as other players in the prophecy begin to gather around him--the Seven Seals, with the power to protect the Earth, and the Seven Harbingers, who are fated to destroy it--he has no choice but to come to terms with his fate. Years of twisted love and bitterness lead at last to a final conflict, as longtime rivals Subaru and Seishiro face each other and their own darknesses in a desperate battle on the Rainbow Bridge. A four-woman shojo manga design team, Clamp began as fan artist but swiftly became popular professionals whoe art style appeals to both men and women. Their most successful series so far are Magic Knight Rayearth, which became a TV series and video game, and X/1999. Clamp is based in Tokyo.
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