BETTER X-Men Legacy: Necrosha by Mike Carey (Goodreads Author) (Writer) mobi ibooks

BETTER X-Men Legacy: Necrosha by Mike Carey (Goodreads Author) (Writer) mobi ibooks

BETTER X-Men Legacy: Necrosha by Mike Carey (Goodreads Author) (Writer) mobi ibooks

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Book description
The Necrosha event hits X-Men: Legacy! Selenes master plan is clicking intoplace, but she got something she didnt plan for when destiny was brought back to life. a major X-villain snuck back into the world of the living along with destiny, and now a whos who of X-Men are being sent to Muir Island to deal with their resurrected foe. Join Nightcrawler, Colossus, Psylocke, Rogue and the X-Mens newest member - the master of magnetism, Magneto - as they dive into Necrosha. Collecting: X-Men: Legacy 231-234, & material from X-Necrosha
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