BETTER Wolf, Wolf by Eben Venter iphone prewiew how to download macbook

BETTER Wolf, Wolf by Eben Venter iphone prewiew how to download macbook

BETTER Wolf, Wolf by Eben Venter iphone prewiew how to download macbook

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Book description
How should a man be? Mattie Duiker is trying very hard to live up to his dying father’s wishes. Hes putting aside childish things, starting his first business serving food to the workers in Cape Town. His Pa is proud.At the same time, Mattie is pulled toward an altogether different version of masculinity, in which oiled and toned bodies cavort for him at the click of a mouse. His porn addiction threatens his relationship with his boyfriend, Jack, and imperils his inheritance.Pa’s days as a swaggering businessman are done, but even as cancer shrivels him, his ancient authority intensifies. While the family wrestles with his patrimony, around them a new South Africa moves forward, demanding they confront the challenges of the future as well as the past.
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