BETTER Wild Tea Hunter by J.T. Hunter full version kickass itunes read eng

BETTER Wild Tea Hunter by J.T. Hunter full version kickass itunes read eng

BETTER Wild Tea Hunter by J.T. Hunter full version kickass itunes read eng

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Book description
The most wild book on tea youll ever read!Join JT Hunter, an aspiring American tea hunter on his tea hunting expeditions to find China’s ancient and wild tea trees. Find out for the first time the harsh truths behind big tea business and follow his journey to meet the last true tea artisans. Learn about a secret Taoist tea culture that aligns tea plants with star constellations. Delve into the spiritual tea culture of the Hani hill tribe that reveres ancient tea trees as sacred spirits of divine protection. Get the controversial insider’s story on the tea industry. Read for the first time in print the fallacies of Fair Trade and Organic Certification, and the gap between the theory and realities of forest protection. Discover how wild and ancient tea trees contain a multiple of the nutrients of standard farmed tea and be introduced to the unique energetic qualities found only in the tea trees in the wild. Learn how you can prevent further destruction of the environment by drinking BiodiversiTEA. If you are a tea lover, traveller, environmentalist or anyone who likes a cup now and again, this book will forever change your understanding and appreciation of tea.
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