BETTER Where the Light Enters by Kathy Miner (Goodreads Author) look eng full story read

BETTER Where the Light Enters by Kathy Miner (Goodreads Author) look eng full story read

BETTER Where the Light Enters by Kathy Miner (Goodreads Author) look eng full story read

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Book description
Almost a year has passed since a plague wiped out over 99% of the population. In the mountains of Colorado, a group of survivors have made it through their first winter. The world is profoundly changed, and so are the people. Humanity has taken an evolutionary step, and whether the increased intuitive knowing will serve to rebuild or destroy mankind remains to be seen. Naomi, a housewife in the time before, has spent the winter preparing for a journey she’s terrified of. She knows her daughter is alive and is determined to find her; what she doesn’t know is that Piper has become as dangerous as she is damaged. Jack, formerly a youth pastor, struggles to lead his community through the day-to-day challenges of living, while hiding the dark longings that consume his mind and could destroy his heart. And brilliant young Grace survived the brutal attack she suffered the summer before, but now she’s faced with consequences she can’t think herself out of. In this sequel to the award-winning “What Survives of Us,” the path is difficult and dangerous, and help isn’t coming from the outside. People must look within, and learn that when it comes to survival, courage and hope are the most vital skills to possess.
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