BETTER Where To, Little Wombat? by Charles Fuge read find phone selling value

BETTER Where To, Little Wombat? by Charles Fuge read find phone selling value

BETTER Where To, Little Wombat? by Charles Fuge read find phone selling value

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Book description
This ia a pleasant book to read to preschooler. Little Wombat was bored when his mother was clean their home. He wanted to live some where more exciting. Little Wombat met Koala, but Koala thought it was a great idea, but the Wombat are not made to climb trees. Wombat asked the frog if he can live with him. The frog said that is a great idea, but Wombat was to heavy on lily pads, and then Wombat met mole as he was built a new tunnel, but when Wombat try to enter he is to big for him to fit in. Wombat met the turle and the ants but there was no room there. Wombat went back home. Learning Experience: This story can be a fannel board activity kit for the children be able to know what animals comes next. Teacher can ask the children about Wombat face expression in the story. If he was happy, sad, worried, and excited.
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