BETTER Wednesdays Child by Linda Lee Chaikin ebook value german book pc

BETTER Wednesdays Child by Linda Lee Chaikin ebook value german book pc

BETTER Wednesdays Child by Linda Lee Chaikin ebook value german book pc

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Book description
For Gemma Alcott, daughter of business tycoon Burgess T. Alcott, III, the summer of 1929 is a season for picnics, sailing parties, and romance. But life becomes difficult when the Alcott wealth is lost in the Wall Street crash known as Black Tuesday. Gemma and her younger sister, Melody, are suddenly destitute. In their time of need, Kace Morgan, a distant relative appears and Gemma realizes she still has choices. But can she handle the loss of all she has known and a new life that is far from the sheltering wealth she has grown up with? Wednesdays child might have woe, but life is never so dark that God cannot deliver His own into paths of light. Book 3 in the series.
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