BETTER Unafraid: A Novel of the Possible by Jeff Golden (Goodreads Author) how download ios apple phone download

BETTER Unafraid: A Novel of the Possible by Jeff Golden (Goodreads Author) how download ios apple phone download

BETTER Unafraid: A Novel of the Possible by Jeff Golden (Goodreads Author) how download ios apple phone download

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Book description
Two dates burn fiercely in the memory of millions of Americans: November 22, 1963 and September 11, 2001. These two tragedies bracket Unafraid, a story grounded in a simple question: what if the fatal bullet fired on that sunny Dallas afternoon had veered three inches off target?Unafraid lays out a compelling answer, rich with the public adventures and private dramas of 20th Century icons--J. Edgar Hoover, Martin Luther King, Fidel Castro, Golda Meir, the Beatles--played out on a transformed world stage. At the center of this parallel history is a leader who blows the sides out of conventional politics with a simple belief: a primary reason that idealistic goals are impossible to achieve is that we needlessly decide that theyre impossible to achieve.With a tiny imaginary spin of historys wheel, Unafraid opens the gates to an America of realistic hope and possibility.
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