BETTER Treatise I: On the Unity of the Church by Cyprian kindle download finder value ebay

BETTER Treatise I: On the Unity of the Church by Cyprian kindle download finder value ebay

BETTER Treatise I: On the Unity of the Church by Cyprian kindle download finder value ebay

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Book description
Cyprian was a third century bishop of Carthage and an important voice in the early Church. After converting to Christianity in his 30’s, Cyprian produced a number of writings before being martyred in the year 258. The Unity of the Church, perhaps his most famous work, is an impassioned and well-argued defense of church hierarchy and authority.Cyprian was familiar with the works of Tertullian, another gifted early Christian author, and he shares Tertullian’s gift for prose (although unlike Tertullian, Cyprian never appears to drift away from orthodoxy). This brief treatise is pleasant to read and very well-reasoned. Until Jerome and Augustine eclipsed him, Cyprian was considered to be perhaps the finest of all the early Christian writers; after reading this piece, it is not hard to see why.Cyprian lived in a very different world, where the clash between pagan and Christian cultures was nearing its apex. In addition to its aesthetic merits (which are considerable) and its value as an ecclesiastical text, this work, with its plea for Christian unity in the face of increasingly hostile persecution, provides a fascinating first-hand glimpse at a bygone era. 4.0 stars, recommended!
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