BETTER These Are The Generations by Eric Foley spanish information doc read prewiew

BETTER These Are The Generations by Eric Foley spanish information doc read prewiew

BETTER These Are The Generations by Eric Foley spanish information doc read prewiew

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Book description
I know of no other book like this--a rare glimpse at Christianity in North Korea. In 1907 missionary Jonathan Goforth experienced a great revival in Korea. Even Pyongyang experienced a Pyongyang Pentecost. But with the rise Kim Il Sung, who styled himself a god, Christians were hunted down, thrown into concentration camps, and exterminated. But Christianity has survived. Here is the story of several generations in one family who defied the North Korean regime and practiced their faith in the darkest country in the world. The story is told by defectors now living in South Korea. The text is not especially well written, but nevertheless intriguing.
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