BETTER The Walking Dead, Issue #90 by Robert Kirkman buy amazon bookstore download epub

BETTER The Walking Dead, Issue #90 by Robert Kirkman buy amazon bookstore download epub

BETTER The Walking Dead, Issue #90 by Robert Kirkman buy amazon bookstore download epub

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Rick SHOULD have killed them. Or, he should have at least killed Nicholas, and used his death as an example of whats going to happen if any of the original Alexandria members tried to threaten his group again.I liked Ricks speech to Nicholas. Hopefully this will get the guy to stop being such a prick and will realize that Rick and his group dont want to kill the original Alexandrians, they just want to make Alexandria the best it can be.Im so glad that Carls doing well enough that he can go home with his Dad now. Thats got to be a huge relief to Rick, and Im sure it will be to the others when they find out.I really liked the conversation between Rick and Carl, and even though Carl didnt really understand at the time, I know hell understand soon, after giving it some thought.Rick just doesnt want Carl to have to worry about things anymore. He wants Carl to be able to be a kid again, to be carefree and to enjoy live like he used to. But the problem is, Carls not that little kid anymore. Even though Nicholass speech was great and all, I still dont trust him. He might be genuine and he might not be. For right now, I happen to think its a load of bullshit, and Rick should definitely keep an eye on the guy.Ha, right?! I agree with Rick. So much shit has happened that its hard to believe all of this crap has happened in just one day. It probably feels like a week has passed in a single day.And of COURSE Hollys going to side with Nicholas. I hate that shes using sex and Abrahams ego to try and make him turn against Rick. Its a dirty underhanded trick, and shes a bitch for doing it.Maggie, hon, you need to get a fucking grip. Alexandria is the safest place around for miles, maybe even more than that, Im sure. So stop bitching because the zombies got through. Its going to happen from time to time.Im glad that Rick and Andrea are talking about what Rick was thinking when the shit with Nicholas went down. And I dont think its a bad thing that he wanted to kill Nicholas. Id have done it, no questions asked.I like that Rick was honest in his thoughts and feelings with Andrea, telling her that hes not the same man he used to be. That living like they have, with all the danger, its changed him, and hes not sure its for the better. I also liked that Andrea talked Rick down and kissed him. I knew it was going to happen. Well, I figured theyd have sex or something, but hey, Im not complaining. I think Rick and Andrea would be good together.
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