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BETTER The Sustainability Secret: Rethinking Our Diet to Transform the World by Keegan Kuhn kindle bookshop download direct link value

BETTER The Sustainability Secret: Rethinking Our Diet to Transform the World by Keegan Kuhn kindle bookshop download direct link

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Book description
The 2014 groundbreaking documentary Cowspiracy presents shocking truths about the effects of animal agriculture on the planet. One of the leading causes of deforestation, rainforest destruction, greenhouse gas production, water consumption and pollution, habitat loss, species extinction, ocean dead-zones, topsoil erosion, and a host of other environmental ills, animal agriculture is the biggest issue facing the planet today and one of environmentalisms best-kept secrets. Filled with anecdotes, interviews with the filmmakers and contributors, unabridged transcripts from the film, material that was too inflammatory to include, extensive reading lists, and with all claims ground firmly in supporting facts and science, this companion book supplements and expands upon the documentary in every way, and an introduction by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges sets the investigative tone of the book. With all this and more, The Sustainability Secret reveals the absolutely devastating environmental impact raising animals for food has on our planet, and offers a path to global sustainability for a growing population.*Please note this fixed format is only compatible with Kindle Fire, Fire HD and Fire HDX devices.
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