BETTER The Spiritual Leaders Guide to Self-Care by Rochelle Melander (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

BETTER The Spiritual Leaders Guide to Self-Care by Rochelle Melander (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

BETTER The Spiritual Leaders Guide to Self-Care by Rochelle Melander (Goodreads Author) flibusta italian online original selling

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Book description
As spiritual guides, clergy and lay leaders alike often find themselves in need of direction about how to make changes in their personal life and ministry. Rarely, however, do they find a book that presents self-care as an integral part of being a spiritual leaders. The Spiritual Leader s Guide to Self-Care gives readers the tools to discern Gods intention for their lives and to be faithful to that vision through proper self-care. Arranged in 52 chapters, one for each week of the year, the guide addresses seven themes: Creating a Life Vision, Caring for Yourself at Work, Nurturing Your Relationships Caring for Your Spirit and Body, Caring for Your Finances, Caring for Your Intellect, and Sustaining a Life Vision. Included are journal writing suggestions, personal reflection questions and activities, guidance for sharing the discovery process with another person, an activity for the coming week, and suggested further resources, such as novels, videos, and Web sites
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