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Book description
Teeming with perilous, exotic locales and widespread examples of social injustice, this bold adventure follows one mans plight to seek his fortune while commenting on the widespread social and economic effects of the African gem trade. Plagued by a bitter divorce and an overbearing father, gem-expert Lonny Cushman flees to the lawless sapphire fields of Madagascar. Homesick and lonely, he dreams of the perfect stone that will fuel an independent career as a gem dealer back in New York and allow him to see his seven-year-old daughter. Finally unearthing the greatest sapphire discovered in the last hundred years, he finds that the power brokers of Diego Suarez want the stone for themselves, and now Lonny must call on all his ingenuity and cunning to escape with his life. Richly detailed and riddled with seedy complexities, this thrilling narrative offers readers a rare glimpse into the culture, the people, and the underbelly of Madagascar.
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