BETTER The Rancher and the Nanny by Caroline Cross francais get link library free

BETTER The Rancher and the Nanny by Caroline Cross francais get link library free

BETTER The Rancher and the Nanny by Caroline Cross francais get link library free

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Book description
Livestock? John MacLaren had all the answers. But little girls? On that subject he was clueless. What did an orphan know about creating a home, especially for a delicate child like Lissy? He needed help. And help the most unexpected, most unforgettable form.Eve Chandler. Years before, hed wanted her with a vengeance, but Princess hadnt seemed to think him worthy. Now that tables had turned, and she was working for him. Yet Eve was so much more than a nanny. With her encouragement, Lissy was blossoming...and Johns icy reserve was melting. But once Even recovered her lost riches, would Johns warm, willing lover remain by his side?
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