BETTER The Professional Pastry Chef: Fundamentals of Baking and Pastry by Bo Friberg flibusta touch library read get

BETTER The Professional Pastry Chef: Fundamentals of Baking and Pastry by Bo Friberg flibusta touch library read get

BETTER The Professional Pastry Chef: Fundamentals of Baking and Pastry by Bo Friberg flibusta touch library read get

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Book description

Book description
The reference of choice for thousands of pastry chefs and home cooks A favorite of pastry lovers and serious chefs worldwide, The Professional Pastry Chef presents comprehensive coverage of basic baking and pastry techniques in a fresh and approachable way. Now skillfully revised and redesigned to meet the needs of todays pastry kitchen, this classic reference is better-and easier to use-than ever. The new edition contains more than 650 recipes, which offer a new emphasis on American applications of European techniques with yields suitable for restaurant service or for entertaining at home. It shares encyclopedic guidance on everything from mise en place preparation and basic doughs to new chapters covering flatbreads, crackers, and homestyle desserts. Throughout, award-winning Executive Pastry Chef Bo Friberg explains not only how to perform procedures, but also the principles behind them, helping readers to build a firm foundation based on understanding rather than memorizing formulas. Illustrated step-by-step instructions demystify even the most complex techniques and presentations, while 100 vivid color photographs bring finished dishes to life with a sublime touch of visual inspiration. Whether used to develop skills or refine techniques, to gain or simply broaden a repertoire, The Professional Pastry Chef is filled with information and ideas for creating mouthwatering baked goods and tantalizing desserts-today and for years to come.
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