BETTER The Presidents Vampire: Strange-but-True Tales of the United States of America by Robert Damon Schneck iphone kindle cheap free shop

BETTER The Presidents Vampire: Strange-but-True Tales of the United States of America by Robert Damon Schneck iphone kindle cheap free shop

BETTER The Presidents Vampire: Strange-but-True Tales of the United States of America by Robert Damon Schneck iphone kindle cheap

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Book description
THE PRESIDENTS VAMPIRE is proof positive that an inordinate number of very strange things happen from sea to shining sea in the place known as the United States of America. It contains scrupulously documented accounts of ghosts, monsters, murderers, and hoaxes so improbable they will fascinate believers, skeptics, and anyone interested in the more obscure corners of American history and culture. Robert Schneck is one of the best of a new breed of investigators into the relatively unknown byways of our cultural history. Because he is thoroughly familiar with his subject, writes with deceptive ease and a clarity that both amuses and educates, and because he never forgets that at the heart of even the strangest or most frightening of mysteries there are real human beings with a story to tell, I recommend him as a trusted guide. - Bob Rickard, Fortean Times Robert Damon Schneck is a freelance writer and contributor to Fortean Times, Fate, and other magazines. Friends describe him as a loveable, nocturnal, monomaniac.
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