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BETTER The Possibilities of Sainthood by Donna Freitas (Goodreads Author) without signing reader touch wiki book

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I read this book a looooong time ago. But I do remember this: the main character drove me NUTS. She was my least favorite kind of Catholic - the kind who knows about Catholic traditions, but who has warped ideas about what the traditions actually MEAN, and therefore goes around confusing others. Primarily, Antonias issue was her weird perception of Saints. She had this idea, never really explained, that Saints were really cool people who were made Saints by the Vatican as a reward for being so cool. It was like she thought the Pope said to newly canonized Saints, Okay, Ive decided to put you in charge of icey roads. Heres a magical fairy wand; whenever anybody prays to you about icey roads you can just wave this and all their troubles will disappear! Have fun! Ta-ta! Theology lesson time! Okay, Im no expert, but the real deal about Saints is this. A saint (note the lowercase s) is any person who has died and gone to heaven. A Saint (note the uppercase s) is somebody who has died and gone to heaven, and we on earth are absolutely sure that they are, in fact, in heaven. There is a long process before a deceased person can be declared a Saint - its not just that you put in your 200 hours of community service, and then when you kick the bucket the Vatican tacks a St onto your name. Theres a committee that has to decide whether you had heroic virtue, and then you have to have a few miracles attributed to you. Theres probably more too, but like I said, Im no expert. And when we pray to Saints, its not because they have magical fairy wands and can fix all our problems. Its because they are in heaven - with God. Example: whenever youre going through a rough time, you ask your friends on earth to pray for you. They have no power on their own, but they can pray for the power of God to intervene. Praying to the Saints is exactly the same - except that theyre right up there with God, so their prayers mean that much more. Make sense? Cool. Any questions, please comment. I dont want people running around with fallacious ideas about Catholicism because of a fluffy YA novel. In conclusion, I would not recommend this book to anybody. Truly Catholic people will just be annoyed by the mistakes, and non-Catholics will walk away with false conceptions of what it means to be a saint!Note: heres an article about what makes a person a saint, written by somebody who probably has a theology degree! So now you dont have to take my word for it, and anything I explained badly will hopefully be cleared up.
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