BETTER The No Excuses Diet: The Anti-Diet Approach to Crank Up Your Energy and Weight Loss! by Jonathan Roche download book free epub

BETTER The No Excuses Diet: The Anti-Diet Approach to Crank Up Your Energy and Weight Loss! by Jonathan Roche download book free epub

BETTER The No Excuses Diet: The Anti-Diet Approach to Crank Up Your Energy and Weight Loss! by Jonathan Roche download book free

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Book description
When was the last time you had tons of energy, were at a healthy weight, and felt amazing? Maybe it was in high school, on your wedding day, or prior to having your first child. Whether it was six months ago or thirty years ago, you deserve to get back to that place. And you can do it without dieting and without long workouts! Eight Things You Can Expect from This Book: 1)You will learn how to hit your goal weight or drop 52 to 156 pounds (1 to 3 pounds per week) in one year. 2)You will turn exercise from something you dread into the most enjoyable time of your day. 3)You will develop a healthy and sustainable lifestyle that includes being fit and reaching and staying at your goal weight. 4)You will accept the responsibility of being an example of health to your kids. (Our kids become us!) 5)You will gain awareness of and control over your negative inner voice. (This is the true battleground!) 6)You will become accountable to yourself to drive action and results. (Saying I dont have time to exercise today while youre spending time watching TV and online is not the truth.) 7)You will be inspired to live the type of life you deserve as the best version of yourself. 8)You will have tons of energy and be truly happy! The perfect time to lose weight and get fit is a pipe dream that doesnt exist. Decide that NOW is your time, and get ready to shock yourself with your results-just like Jonathan did! Jonathan Roche is an award-winning fitness expert, eighteen-time Boston Marathon finisher, and twelve-time Ironman Triathlon finisher. He has been awarded two patents on personalized interval workouts. He weighed 224 pounds and was wearing a size 38 pants in 1995 when his father (who was obese) died of cardiac arrest. Jonathan has kept 40 pounds off since 1995, and he wants you be the next success story!
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