BETTER The Naturopathic Way: How to Detox, Find Quality Nutrition, and Restore Your Acid-Alkaline Balance by Christopher Vasey download audio apple online thepiratebay

BETTER The Naturopathic Way: How to Detox, Find Quality Nutrition, and Restore Your Acid-Alkaline Balance by Christopher Vasey download audio apple online thepiratebay

BETTER The Naturopathic Way: How to Detox, Find Quality Nutrition, and Restore Your Acid-Alkaline Balance by Christopher Vasey download

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Book description
How naturopathy works to establish good health and protect against the toxic causes of illness • Shows how cleansing the body’s internal cellular environment with diets and fasts removes the chief cause of disease • Explains the role played by the acid-alkaline balance in maintaining good health and peak energy Illness does not appear by chance. It is the direct result of the way we live--what we eat and drink, if we have enough physical exercise, and our state of mind. The basic principles of naturopathy recognize this reality, and its treatments are designed to support our present state of good health or to help us get back to it. Christopher Vasey, author of the bestselling The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health, explains that naturopathic treatments do not attempt to cut off symptoms but instead focus on removing toxic causes. All diseases stem from an unbalanced or dysfunctional biological terrain. This occurs when the body’s internal cellular environment becomes clogged with wastes or when it lacks essential vitamins and mineral nutrients. In this naturopathic guide to health and healing, Vasey shows how to remove toxins from the body using diets, fasts, and detoxifying cleanses. He points to the key role played by the acid-alkaline balance in maintaining peak energy and explains what natural supplements to take to restore deficient nutrients in the body. Vasey believes that the greatest part of achieving health is in our own hands. His book provides a comprehensive set of naturopathic tools to help us restore our optimum health.
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