BETTER The Migraine Mafia by Maia Sepp (Goodreads Author) without signing reader touch wiki book

BETTER The Migraine Mafia by Maia Sepp (Goodreads Author) without signing reader touch wiki book

BETTER The Migraine Mafia by Maia Sepp (Goodreads Author) without signing reader touch wiki book

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Book description
On paper, Viive McBroom lives the perfect life—a key player in a fast-paced, technical field, one promotion away from real success—but that’s if you ignore one small problem.Sandwiched between one migraine and the next, Viive’s life is kind of like those choose-your-own-adventure books you read as a kid, only less fun and with a lot more drugs. And lately, as her bosses politely usher her toward a vacation that might never end, even the good days feel like a struggle for survival.Faced with frustration from her loved ones and the dark machinations of a new coworker, Viive is getting pulled under by guilt, apologies, and professional shenanigans. Then she meets The Migraine Mafia, a quirky, vibrant support group, and her fragile camouflage begins to crumble. She discovers that a room full of strangers just might be able to change the way she views her illness—and realizes that if she doesn’t learn to ask for help, her health isn’t the only thing she stands to lose.Sometimes painful, frequently hilarious, never dull, The Migraine Mafia is the story of one woman’s life-altering decision to thrive in the face of chronic illness.Read the first chapter on Wattpad:
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