BETTER The Mental Body by Arthur E. Powell online look how to audio get

BETTER The Mental Body by Arthur E. Powell online look how to audio get

BETTER The Mental Body by Arthur E. Powell online look how to audio get

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Book description
Throw out your worn out concept of Heaven as being a sterile place where stagnation and atrophy rule. If you want a travelers guide to a place of wonder and awe beyond the familiar, this book is for you. The book starts out with a general description of the 5th dimension, the closer you move toward fantasy like conditions, the closer you move towards the source . In our minds, fantasy means freedom, and what is more free than the source of ALL-THAT-IS. This text describes the mechanics of the heaven world, and the reason why it exist. It is by far the most detailed view of the 5th dimension that I have ever read. There are 5th dimensional schools where neoteric definitions of joy are explored, and the over all central theme is how to be co-creators with God. You learn how universes are created, and the mechanics of such things. Imagine a course in Universe creation 101, then a course in time manipulation 102, how about a curriculum in how to maintain your focus in parallel reality awareness. These courses can be followed up with a seminar in past lives as current identity extensions. Think about an art class for Souls, you would paint with dimensions and time points, the way a painter paints with different color paints. One swipe of your cosmic brush and worlds are manifested waiting for life forms to inhabit them. The chapter on the Akashic records, or as the Bible calls it, The book of life, was noteworthy. Imagine a multidimensional recording system that can record every event in infinite detail that happens in any system of reality. Now imagine having an intimate multisensual experience of those events at will. The text also talks about raw creative energy that can be used in infinite ways. This raw creative energy can be used and formed into many expressions, in some worlds it would appears as visual art, in another world it appears as music, in another world it appears as a forest, and in other worlds it would appear as a social movement. The book covers the means and ways as to what a Soul does at this level of nature. If you want a Heaven where you float around on clouds, and drink milk and honey all throughout eternity, and all growth and development are stopped, then this book is not for you. The book covers the inhabitants, the scenery, the 7 different levels of heaven, as well as how abstract thoughts becomes tangible things that live. The book ends by beginning to outline what happens when you out grow the Heaven world and 5th dimensional consciousness, and what the next level (Buddhic plane) of nature has to offer. If you want to you can download the book, or just look at it for you own edification.
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