BETTER The Loved Ones by Sonya Chung (Goodreads Author) without signing djvu italian portable online

BETTER The Loved Ones by Sonya Chung (Goodreads Author) without signing djvu italian portable online

BETTER The Loved Ones by Sonya Chung (Goodreads Author) without signing djvu italian portable online

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Book description
In this masterful novel of inheritance and loss, Sonya Chung (Long for This World) proves herself a worthy heir to Marguerite Duras, Hwang Sun-won, and James Salter. Spanning generations and divergent cultures, The Loved Ones maps the intimate politics of unlikely attractions, illicit love, and costly reconciliations.Charles Lee, the young African American patriarch of a biracial family, seeks to remedy his fatherless childhood in Washington, DC, by making an honorable choice when his chance arrives. Years later in the mid-1980s, uneasy and stymied in his marriage to Alice, he finds a connection with Hannah Lee, the teenage Korean American caregiver whose parents transgressive flight from tradition and war has left them shrouded in a cloud of secrets and muted passion.A shocking and senseless death will test every familial bond and force all who are touched by the tragedy to reexamine who their loved ones truly are--the very meaning of the words. Haunting, elliptical, and powerful, The Loved Ones deconstructs the world we think we know and shows us the one we inhabit.
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