BETTER The Grand Scribes Records: The Basic Annals of Pre-Han China by Sima Qian reading access download view format

BETTER The Grand Scribes Records: The Basic Annals of Pre-Han China by Sima Qian reading access download view format

BETTER The Grand Scribes Records: The Basic Annals of Pre-Han China by Sima Qian reading access download view format

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Book description
... an essential source for the study of events in early China, a guide to the moral philosophy of the gentlemen of Han, and a splendid work of literature which may be read for the pleasure of its style and the power of its narrative.... This work makes Shi ji and its scholarship accessible to any reader of English, and it is a model for any work in this field and style. --Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Oxford JournalsThrough such work as this, the scholary and literary community of the West will learn more of the splendour and romance of early China, and may better appreciate the lessons in humanity presented by its great historian. --Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies... Nienhausers new translation is scrupulously scholarly... the design of this series is nearly flawless... the translation itself is very precise... --Chinese Literature, Essays, Articles, ReviewsThis project will result in the first complete translation (in nine volumes) of the Shih chi (The Grand Scribes Records), one of the most important narratives in traditional China. Ssu-ma Chien (145-c.86 B.C.), who compiled the work, is known as the Herodotus of China.
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