BETTER The Graduation by Christopher Pike download mobi

BETTER The Graduation by Christopher Pike download mobi

BETTER The Graduation by Christopher Pike download mobi

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Book description
At last the Final Friends gets a conclusion and finally the work done in seeing the crafting of the many central characters unfold is richly rewarded with this clever and wonderfully paced climax. As I said in my review of Book 1, this is really a single novel split into three parts.The Graduation begins as Book 2 did, skipping a few months ahead from the end of the previous and finding the entire books action taking place in a single day, the last day of school. Granted, I dont know of many schools that have a day of school, a graduation ceremony and a grad night party all on the same date, but whatever. It works for the sake of the plot.Michael Olson stands out here as an 18 year-old investigator, determined to make the puzzle fall into place. You see his potential as a detective even before the characters in the story point out to him how good he is at this, and I would be amused and interested to see a follow-up story written that features Michael as an adult detective (perhaps amateur sleuth). His narrowly-missed relationship with Jessica is in full scream-at-the-book Just get together! mode here, triumphantly. Bubba is at his most sleazy, Nick feels justifiably redeemed from his early misfortune, even as he exerts nobility in his struggle with Marias wheelchair-bound condition. Secondary characters like The Rock, Bill and Clair pass in and out of suspicion as the revelations come quickly throughout the book and the twin enigmas of Clark and Polly are become even more mysterious and, perhaps, sinister.The final confrontation below decks in the cruise ship is pure whodunnit gold: Accusations, revelations, connect-the-dots reconstruction and the perpetrator lashing out once backed into a corner. Its taut and so well done it makes up for any sluggishness that may have plagued the first two novels. There is one minor nitpick in that the whole graduation party yacht felt a bit forced, as if it existed just to be a more potentially dangerous situation than, say, a cabin party. It felt very much like a writers construct as opposed to something the characters would have actually done, but that little gripe aside this sequence was a huge highlight and an excellent way to cap off a somewhat surprisingly good tale.The pat ending may have been a bit schmaltzy (a bit of gravity could easily have been added by having either Bill or The Rock find escape impossible, even a small hook for a later story could have been added if one of the bodies was never found) for my particular taste, but its hard to complain when you finish a book with a smile on your face.
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