BETTER The Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of Americas Man-Made Landscape by James Howard Kunstler txt german pc download review

BETTER The Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of Americas Man-Made Landscape by James Howard Kunstler txt german pc download review

BETTER The Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of Americas Man-Made Landscape by James Howard Kunstler txt german pc download

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In describing a certain way of viewing the landscape, Kunstler makes the observation that a Jacksonian student of landscape can study a fast food place (in his example a place called the Red Barn that looks like a red barn) and never arrive at the conclusion that the Red Barn is an ignoble piece of shit that degrades the community. There is the thrust of Kunstlers book, a stirring if somewhat flawed look at our degraded landscape. The book takes us on a whirlwind tour of the history of the United States, from the puritans through the evil that was modernism. We learn about early town planning, how it varied from state to state depending on the prevailing community values. As we pushed ever further into our growing land mass, we lost that community and turned inward. It really turns to shit though when we arrive in modern times and that dastardly movement known as modernism rears its ugly head. Modernism is a sort of favorite punching bag these days. Kunstler is very hard on it, pretty much blaming the artistic movement for the disaster that is suburbia. In that respect I find Adam Romes The Bulldozer in the Countryside more convincing. In that book we get a more solid, less ignoble piece of shit based argument. Rome lays out the economic conditions in a more methodical way and takes apart your average suburban house to show why it is an ignoble piece of shit. Kunstler just seems to hate how it looks. The tone changes a little later on and he elaborates on why suburbia is bad and what exactly is bad about it(height restrictions, lack of mixed uses, set back requirements). I also find the arguments put forth in David Harveys The Condition of Postmodernity to be instructive. Harvey argues (and this gels with Romes argument) that much of the modern aestetic came, at least in part, from the discovery of new building materials and techniques. Harvey agrues that the return to ornamentation in the postmodern period is a result of a refinement of those techniques. Kunstler also ignores the fact—again brought up by Rome—that the traditional way of building houses was not up to the task of dealing with the postwar boom, and that it was not so much an embrace of modernist design as an embrace of economical building practices. Oddly enough, it is his relentless attack on aesthetics that provide this book with its relevance. While Romes book is more technical (it has a lenghty chapter on the problems of septic tanks), Kunstler focuses on ecology and how we interact with places. I dont think that I agree entirely on the aesthetic principles he seems to favor (I dont think the garish colors used on Pinkberry locations harms the fabric of the Village), but I do agree that the look of a building (and how it interacts with the street) is important (I lean more towards the iteraction aspect). The last part of the book deals with efforts to bring back this sense of community, or at least provide us with pretty things to look at. We learn about Traditional Neighborhood Design (part of New Urbanism), land trusts (to save farmland), and what sounds like Transit Oriented Design (though it isnt called that in the book). He does a good job of not focussing too much on the look of buildings in Seaside (the TND posterchild), instead focussing on community. (This book came out too long ago to evaluate how successful that project has been, perhaps there is an updated edition?) He also points out the oft-forgotten part of the Seaside development, that it could only have been built in the middle of nowhere because of the zoning regulations that were present in Florida at the time. Many critics harp on the remoteness of Seaside (and the fact that it is a new development, which means it isnt exactly preserving open space), claiming that it is a glorified suburb. I like that Kunstler focusses on the functioning of this town and the difficulties the developers had in bringing it about. He also makes a point of referring to it as a demonstration project. He does however mention other developments in the same vein, but fails to address the fact that these are also entirely new developments. A few pages later he expresses his desire to see a new, more sustainable form of development. Surely filling up more land with deveopments cannot be considered sustainable. I guess what I wanted was more talk of rehabilitating broken places (if it is possible to save suburbia) and reusing abandoned cities (of which there are many). Many of the faults are minor (his hatred of modernist architecture is forgivable and not too central to his argument), so I do recommend this book. It is entertaining and passionate; passion for city planning is something we need to see more of in America. I cant really blame him for his indignant tone. After reading about all the ways in which compentent city planning is actually illegal in this country, one cant help but be angry. Kunstler provides a great introduction to the issues that doesnt get bogged down by dry analysis. It moves along quickly and will hopefully inspire readers to learn more about the issues that are brought up.
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