BETTER The Garden Classroom: Hands-On Activities in Math, Science, Literacy, and Art by Cathy James read txt on ipad

BETTER The Garden Classroom: Hands-On Activities in Math, Science, Literacy, and Art by Cathy James read txt on ipad

BETTER The Garden Classroom: Hands-On Activities in Math, Science, Literacy, and Art by Cathy James read txt on ipad

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Book description

Book description
Creative ways to use the garden to inspire learning, for kids ages 4-8Packed with garden-based activities that promote science, math, reading, writing, imaginative play, and arts and crafts, The Garden Classroom offers a whole year of outdoor play and learning ideas—however big or small your garden.Every garden offers children a rich, sensory playground, full of interesting things to discover and learn about. Theres a whole lot of science happening right before their eyes. The garden can also be a place to develop math and literacy skills, as the outdoors offers up plenty of invitations to weave learning into everyday gardening. The garden classroom is a place where plants grow, and where children grow too.
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