BETTER The Doomsday Prophecy by Scott Mariani (Goodreads Author) francais ebook access online offline

BETTER The Doomsday Prophecy by Scott Mariani (Goodreads Author) francais ebook access online offline

BETTER The Doomsday Prophecy by Scott Mariani (Goodreads Author) francais ebook access online offline

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Book description
A fast paced thrilling story of kidnap, power struggles, political machinations, bribery and religion. Ben Hope is his usual magnificent well trained one man fighting machine and war zone rolled into one. At times I did wonder why he was eliminating so many people just for one spoilt selfish bratty rich girl??? However as always the book was a page turner with unexpected twists along the way. It helps that Ben Hope is gorgeous, caring and heroic and wants to see truth come to light. Another great book in the series and definitely worth a read.
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