BETTER The Desirable Duchess (Regency Royal, #14) by Marion Chesney pc free original full link

BETTER The Desirable Duchess (Regency Royal, #14) by Marion Chesney pc free original full link

BETTER The Desirable Duchess (Regency Royal, #14) by Marion Chesney pc free original full link

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Book description

Book description
ALTHOUGH SHE MARRIED WITHOUT LOVE, ALICE MAY YET DISCOVER SOMETHING ABOUT ROMANCE....Lovely Alice Lacey was a true Incomparable, and her marriage to the Duke of Ferrant was the event of the Season. Few realized, however, that she was secretly in love with another--so much so that she confided her feelings to a clever talking mynah bird who deemed it fit to announce these intimacies right at the couples wedding!The gossip mongers were relentless. Her marriage was cold and impersonal, and her new husband was rumored to be taken with another woman.Before she even realized what was happening, Alice discovered that the man she had thought she loved was something other than what he seemed, and the man she had married was something far more than shed hoped. Her one resort was her last one--to convince the man she had wed that they were in love....
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