BETTER The Culinary Cyclist: A Cookbook and Companion for the Good Life by Anna Brones get without registering value download find

BETTER The Culinary Cyclist: A Cookbook and Companion for the Good Life by Anna Brones get without registering value download find

BETTER The Culinary Cyclist: A Cookbook and Companion for the Good Life by Anna Brones get without registering value download find

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Book description

Book description
The first cookbook of its kind, The Culinary Cyclist is a gorgeous staple for any kitchen where bicycling and healthy, delicious food are priorities. This lovingly illustrated cookbook is your guide to hedonistic two-wheeled living. Recipes are all gluten free and vegetarian. Decadent basics such as a creamy sea salt chocolate cake and baked eggs in avocado halves are paired with cheerful instructions for gracefully hosting a dinner party, gifting food, bulk shopping by bicycle, and two-wheeled picnics. The cookbook is suitable for experienced cooks looking to add kitchen flair to their repertoire as well as beginners in the kitchen who want to start out their culinary lives on the right foot.
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