BETTER The Cosmic Logos by Traci Harding (Goodreads Author) offline fb2 txt read download

BETTER The Cosmic Logos by Traci Harding (Goodreads Author) offline fb2 txt read download

BETTER The Cosmic Logos by Traci Harding (Goodreads Author) offline fb2 txt read download

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Book description
With the Nefilim gone, and all the human races united, it is time for Tory and Maelgwn to unite into one soul-mind and assume their rightful place among the other ascended masters of the Cosmic Logos. But first, they must address the growing problems on Gaia so that their planet of origin may join the new interstellar alliance. On Kila, Lahmus newly appointed council is confronted by a major threat to the peace when the Aten space station is mysteriously stolen. Now Lahmu and the young rulers of the intergalactic alliance must track down the culprits before they discover the Atens time travel function and cast history in chaos. Tory and Maelgwn struggle to guide their kindred, who remain on the earth plane. But will the Dragons boys perceive the counsel of their absent parents, before intergalactic war drags humankind to the brink.
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