BETTER The Cocaine Princess Part 2 by Rio read flibusta via information eng

BETTER The Cocaine Princess Part 2 by Rio read flibusta via information eng

BETTER The Cocaine Princess Part 2 by Rio read flibusta via information eng

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Book description
Rio is the national best-selling author of The Cocaine Princess Saga. The Cocaine Princess part one skyrocketed to #1 on the African American and Urban Bestsellers list within days of its release. That was quite an accomplishment for his first published novel. The Cocaine Princess 2 through 5 are also available. He spends his time writing and reading urban books to better his own writing. Rios passion is to put his stamp on urban fiction and other genres one book at a time. He is now hard at work on Bulletface 5, his next novel. You can contact him on Facebook: Author Rio Terrell; email:; Instagram: authorrio5; or follow on Twitter @authorrio.
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