BETTER The Clown-Arounds Go On Vacation by Joanna Cole full version kickass itunes read eng

BETTER The Clown-Arounds Go On Vacation by Joanna Cole full version kickass itunes read eng

BETTER The Clown-Arounds Go On Vacation by Joanna Cole full version kickass itunes read eng

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Book description

Book description
Here is a story about a family of clowns wanting to go on vacation and decided to go visit one of their uncles. They got all packed up and headed off but got lost on the way. At the end of the story they found a hotel to stay at, which luckly was their uncles.The Clown-Arounds go on Vacation has some outstanding art work. Every picture protrays what is going on in the text. With that it is a cartoon based book to go along with the clown theme. These illustrations cover every once of the page and sometimes go off the edges. The one concern is that these pictures are very busy and would fit the somewhat older readers that have more experience and wont be destracted at easily.
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