BETTER The Carrion Birds by Urban Waite (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

BETTER The Carrion Birds by Urban Waite (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

BETTER The Carrion Birds by Urban Waite (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

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Book description
Set in a small town in the Southwest, a soulful work of literary noir rife with violence, vengeance, and contrition from a fresh voice in fiction-the author of the highly acclaimed The Terror of LivingLife hasnt worked out the way Ray Lamar planned. A widower and father who has made some tragic mistakes, hes got one good thing going for him: hes calm, cool, and efficient under pressure, usually with a gun in his hand. A useful skill to have when youre paid to hurt people who stand in your bosss way.But Ray isnt sure he wants to be that man anymore. He wants to go home to Coronado, New Mexico, to see the twelve-year-old son he hopes will recognize him. He wants to make a new life far from the violence of the last ten years. One last job will take him there. All he has to do is steal a rivals stash. Simple, easy, clean.Ray knows theres no such thing as easy, and sure enough, the first day ends in a catastrophic mess. Now, the runners who have always moved quietly through this idyllic desert town on the Mexican border want answers. And revenge. Short on time, with no one to trust but himself, Ray must come up with a clever plan or Coronados newly appointed lady sheriff will have a vicious bloodbath on her hands.Relentlessly paced and beautifully orchestrated, with refreshingly real, vulnerable, and very human characters and a vivid sense of place, The Carrion Birds is an unsettling and indelible work of literary noir in the tradition of Cormac McCarthy, Elmore Leonard, and Dennis Lehane.
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