BETTER The Cambridge Companion to John Calvin by Donald K. McKim (Editor) value text macbook online eng

BETTER The Cambridge Companion to John Calvin by Donald K. McKim (Editor) value text macbook online eng

BETTER The Cambridge Companion to John Calvin by Donald K. McKim (Editor) value text macbook online eng

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Book description
Donald K. McKim is an American Presbyterian theologian and editor. He works as Academic and Reference Editor for Westminster John Knox Press.McKim studied at Westminster College, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and the University of Pittsburgh. He has taught at Memphis Theological Seminary and the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary.McKim is known for his 1979 book The Authority and Interpretation of the Bible: An Historical Approach. Co-authored with Jack B. Rogers, it was Eternity magazines Book of the Year in 1980. In the book, Rogers and McKim argued that the Bible was infallible but not inerrant.Donald Keith McKim was born in New Castle, Pennsylvania to Keith Beatty and Mary Alisan (Leslie) McKim.
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