BETTER The Breach: Inside the Impeachment and Trial of William Jefferson Clinton by Peter Baker fb2 online

BETTER The Breach: Inside the Impeachment and Trial of William Jefferson Clinton by Peter Baker fb2 online

BETTER The Breach: Inside the Impeachment and Trial of William Jefferson Clinton by Peter Baker fb2 online

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Book description

Book description
A solid effort from journalist Baker, although I definitely could have done without Susan Collins insipid diary entries (Ironically, having been through this crisis may make it easier, not harder, for us to work together. This experience has changed each of us individually, and as a Senate, forever.) and the standard hackneyed Beltwayese adjectives. Politicians are fresh-faced (Evan Bayh), crusty (Ted Stevens, three times crusty), maverick (Peter King, Lowell Weicker, Russell Feingold, and of course John McCain), feisty (Phil Gramm), iconoclastic (Arlen Specter), righteous (Joe Lieberman), boyish (Bill Paxon, Dick Gephardt). The book is short on salacious details and long, very long, on legislative procedure. It worked well for the first 11 chapters, covering impeachment, but became exceedingly dry for the last seven, when the outcome was no longer in doubt (the Democrats always had enough votes for acquittal).
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