BETTER The Best British Fantasy 2013. Edited Steve Haynes by Steve Haynes (Editor) direct link story iBooks book spanish

BETTER The Best British Fantasy 2013. Edited Steve Haynes by Steve Haynes (Editor) direct link story iBooks book spanish

BETTER The Best British Fantasy 2013. Edited Steve Haynes by Steve Haynes (Editor) direct link story iBooks book spanish

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Book description
From the post-apocalyptic American West to the rural terror in New Zealand, this major anthology has evil spirits, bin-Laden style assassinations, steampunk, sexual dysfunction, a twisted version of Peter Pan, the folklore of standing stones, mermaids, alien tour guides, zombies, gruesome beasts, voice-controlled police states, environmental disasters and off world penal colonies. Unmissable.Featuring (among others) Simon Bestwick, Joseph DLacey, Cate Gardner, Carole Johnstone, Tyler Keevil, Kim Lakin-Smith, Alison Littlewood, Cheryl Moore, Mark Morris, Adam Neville, Lavie Tidhar, Sam Stone, Steph Swainston, E.J. Swift, Lisa Tuttle, Simon Unsworth, Jon Wallace.
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