BETTER The Berenstain Bears Trouble at School by Stan Berenstain ipad book macbook how read kickass

BETTER The Berenstain Bears Trouble at School by Stan Berenstain ipad book macbook how read kickass

BETTER The Berenstain Bears Trouble at School by Stan Berenstain ipad book macbook how read kickass

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Book description
I read the book, The Berenstain Bears Trouble at School by Stan Berenstatin. This is a great book to teach children a lesson on cheating and earning good grades. Primary children will learn the consequences of cheating and what will happen when your grades start to fall. This is a great story for Primary children to read because at some point in time a child is going to want to cheat on a test or either on homework and this story will hopefully make them think twice about cheating. I love all the details the illustrations depict; they make you feel as you are a character in the story. These are great learning tools to use in my classroom to teach children all kind of life lessons. All children should be required to read this series as a child to help them gain valuable life lessons in their future to come.
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